
You can view an athlete profile in the Club Admin Portal via the following :

  1.  Run a report in the Report tab and click on the hyperlink on the athlete's name/ID to bring up their profile.
  2. Find the athlete via Admin tab> Bulk Renew and click on the hyperlink on the athlete's name/ID to bring up their profile.
  3. Find the athlete via Club Info tab> Club Athlete Search and click on the hyperlink on the athlete's name/ID to bring up their profile.

Once you have reached the athlete's profile, you can make updates by following these steps:

  1. Ensure you are on the Personal details tab.
  2. Select the pencil icon located to the right of the headers in each section to edit the athlete's details.
  3. Update your details as required.  
  4. Please only add one email address in the email field otherwise the member will not receive any communications such as newsletters.
  5. Select the Save button to save your updates.
  6. Please follow these instructions to update Gymsports and Levels for the athlete.
  7. More information on selecting non binary gender
  8. More information on updating disability details
  9. More information on updating special olympic details
  10. More information on updating Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent information


Need more help?  Please lodge a support request.

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