WWCC Check tab for locations with no integration to Oho yet

Who does this information apply to?
NSW and any NSW Working with Children accreditation holders.  We have recently been notified by the Office of the Children’s Guardian, the system is not compliant with New South Wales legislation.  

How can I validate WWCC or equivalent?
Please refer to this page for information about how you can validate WWCC or equivalent for your members while your location does not have an integration with the Oho system in place yet.  Please note that if a check is invalid, revoked or expired, the member should not work with children.  Clubs should check this on a regular basis to ensure continued compliance.

About the WWCC Check Dashboard
The WWCC Check tab on the Club Admin Portal has the following dashboard to help Club's with their compliance to the Child Safety policy:
  • Expired Cards: 
    The number of expired Working With Children Check (WWCC) or equivalent cards.
  • Missing or Incomplete Cards: 
    The number of WWCC or equivalent cards that are missing or incomplete. All technical members and club staff are required to have WWCC or equivalent details uploaded.
  • Compliant Child Safety Representatives: 
    The number of Child Safety Representatives (CSR) that are compliant with the requirements of being a Child Safety Representative.
  • Non-Compliant Child Safety Representatives: 
    The number of Child Safety Representatives which have not fulfilled the requirements of being a Child Safety Representative.
The WWCC Check tab also has the following reports (queries) available to provide more details about the dashboard.  In most reports you can click on the member's name to update their WWCC or equivalent details.
Report NameReport Description
A. Expired CardsMembers who have expired cards – all members
B. Missing or Incomplete CardsMembers who have missing card details (including card type, number, expiry date) and are not exempt
C. Compliant Child Safety RepresentativesChild Safety Representative relationship has completed the current Child Safety course 
D. Non-Compliant Child Safety RepresentativesChild Safety Representative relationship has not completed the current Child Safety course
E. Exempt from Check MembersUnderage members who do not have to complete a check if underage according to state legislation
F. Full list of Members who require ChecksAll members who have an active relationship to your Club and who are not exempt

Who's WWCC or equivalent will be displayed in my Club?
The following members appear in your Club Admin Portal> WWCC Check tab and we require to hold current and valid WWCC details.
  • All current Club Personnel members are listed as having a relationship to the Club in the Club Admin Portal> Club Personnel tab. More information.
  • All current Technical members are listed as having a relationship to the Club in the Club Admin Portal> Tech Member tab. More information.
  • However we do not include in this list, tech members who have let their membership lapse. More information on how you can find expired tech members linked to your Club via Club Admin Portal> Reports> G. Technical Members Expired and Due to Expire query.
  • We also need you to ensure all members meet our data integrity requirements to be ready for a future Oho integration.  If you need assistance with updating missing or invalid data please refer to this page.
If have Tech Members or Club Personnel members linked to your Club who are under the age of 18, they still may require a Working with Children Check (WWCC) or equivalent if they are working or volunteering at a Gymnastics organisation or event.  

How do I update WWCC or equivalent details?
Please refer to these instructions on how to update WWCC or equivalent details for a member.

What information can I give to our members?
Please refer to these instructions on how can I get a Working with Children Check (WWCC) or equivalent accreditation.

I see an error message, what do I do?
Please refer to these instructions on how to fix WWCC check issues.

What to do for each card check status?
This is the action that your Club should take depending on the results returned by your Local Government system checks.  Clubs should check this on a regular basis to ensure continued compliance.

Status displayedWhat the club should do
Current and ActiveThe member’s WWCC or equivalent card has passed validation.  They are OK to work with children.
Invalid DetailsThis member should not work with children.  This member has failed their WWCC or equivalent card verification due to invalid details. To resolve this issue, please check that the member’s name, card type, card number and expiry date matches what is on their card. More information on how to resolve issue.
ExpiredThis member should not work with children.  This member has failed their WWCC or equivalent card verification due the card being expired. To resolve this issue, please contact the Member to ask them to present their updated card and update their card details.
RevokedThis member should not work with children.  This member has failed their WWCC or equivalent card verification due to the card being revoked. Please contact the relevant card provider for more information.

Any questions or need assistance? Please contact support.