
Step 1: Sign into you Gymnastics Australia account

1. Go to the Gymnastics Australia website by visiting 

2. In the top right hand corner, click Sign In.


3. Sign in using your Technical Member ID as your username and your Gymnastics Australia password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact us

4. Once you have signed in, click Hi, [Your Name] in the top right-hand corner to access your profile page.

5. You will now see your profile page. This is sometimes referred to as the Technical Member Portal or the GOL. 


Step 2: Access Flex 

Click the Go to Flex (LMS) button. This is a blue button that is located on the left-hand side of the screen. Flex will open in a new tab on your browser.


If you experience any issues, we recommend signing out and clearing your internet browser's cookies and cache.


Need more help? Please contact us.

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