
This functionality is only available for Coaches who hold a current technical membership and have a Sporting Schools Contact relationship with a current Club who has opted into delivering the Sporting Schools program.

  1. Go to the Tech Member Portal
  2. Go to the Personal Details tab.
  3. Scroll down until you see the Special Olympics - Coach Inclusion Training details header.
  4. Click on the button called Upload Certificate.
  5. A pop up panel will appear.
  6. In this panel:
    • Answer the question by checking the box
    • Upload a certificate by clicking on the Select button and then selecting a file. Please note this file must be either a jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx file and under 5mb in order to be uploaded.
    • Click on the Save button to save your responses.
  7. If the save has been successful you will see information in the table under the Special Olympics - Coach Inclusion Training details header.
  8. Click on the Download the Certificate here link in the table if you wish to view or download the certificate.
  9. This certificate can be downloaded by your Club via the Sporting Schools tab.  More info.

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