
How to check your athletes are registered for the current year

Clubs can check that their athletes are registered for the current year via the following methods:

  1. Club Admin Portal > Report > A. Current Year Athletes excl. Gymsports report.  
    (FYI we don't recommend the including gymsports reports as it will list athlete multiple times if they have multiple athlete codes or miss athletes who don't have any athlete codes on their profile)
  2. Administration > Bulk Renew.  Please remember to update the dates to be in the current year.

If your Club is missing any of your athletes in these reports, we recommend:

  1. If your Club uses the Club Import method to register athletes, check the following reports:
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > Q. Club Import - Failed Imports
      Check if any of your Club's imports failed and were not followed up. 
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > L. Club Import - List of All Duplicates
      Check if these duplicates have been registered to your club for the current year and if not raise support request for assistance.
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > M. Club Import - List of All Transfers
      Check if these transfers have been registered to your club and if not look at the Club Admin Portal> Transfers List tab. More information.
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > N. Club Import - List of All Quarantined
      Check if these athletes have been registered your club.  If any were missing a birthdate, they cannot be registered in our database.
  2. Check if your Athletes first and last names and birthdates are the right way around. Occasionally Clubs accidentally mix up first and last names or days, months and years when registering athletes and this creates new records. To check this, use these reports:
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > S. Current Year New Athletes
    • Club Admin Portal > Report > T. Current Year Renewed Athletes
  3. Checking Club Admin Home > Transfer Lists > Processed Transfers History
    Your athlete may have been transferred from your Club to another Club.  If your athlete is attending more than one Club, please refer to the Multi-Club Athlete page.

  4. Checking Club Admin Home > Transfer Lists > Pending – Transfers into our Club.  From time to time, the Add or Transfer an Athlete Form has an issue which creates a blank record for the Athlete and there is a stuck transfer in this list which looks like this: -> Example Club.  If this has happened to your Club, please raise a support ticket so we can help you.
  5. Looking out for Duplicate Athlete records registered for your Club. You can tell if there are duplicate records as the athlete has more than one different ID numbers.  Please note that some reports list an athlete more than once if they have multiple Athlete codes (Gymsport and level).  Please look at this page for managing duplicate athlete records.
  6. Contacting Support if you have any issues with the Add or Transfer an Athlete Form.  The Add or Transfer an Athlete Form will not allow Clubs to create duplicate records for Athletes so it is important you check that an Athlete is already in your Club (Step 1) or in already in another Club (Step 2) before proceeding to Step 3 and 4.  If you are having difficulties with the form for a particular athlete, please raise a support ticket so we can help you.

After you have confirmed your athletes have been registered for the current year, it is important to ensure your Club’s athletes have been registered with only the latest Athlete Codes and to remove any old codes, following these rules for Athlete Codes.  

The best way for Clubs to confirm that that their athletes are registered in year with the correct Athlete Codes is either via:

1. Club Admin Portal > Report > Current Year Athletes including Gymsports report.  Please note that athlete will be listed multiple times if they have multiple athlete codes and missing if they have no athlete codes.  We highly recommend exporting this report to excel to view all fields in the report.
2. Administration >Bulk RenewPlease remember to update the dates to be in the current year.

Please refer to these instructions if your club needs to update Athlete Codes.

For more information and support, please visit our Online Guide for Club Administrators or raise a support request.