
Enrolling into a face-to-face course is a two-step process in Flex. First you need to purchase the course in the Training Library (1), then you need to enrol into an event/session in the Training Event calendar (2). This process is outlined in detail below. 

Step 1: Purchase the course in the Training Library

1. Sign into your Gymnastics Australia account via For more instructions on how to do this, please click here.  

2. Click the Go to Flex (LMS) button. This will be located on the left-hand side of the screen. 

3. Purchase the relevant face-to-face course in the Training Library. To do this, click on the bookshelf icon on the left-hand menu bar. 

4. You will then see a list of course categories (e.g., Beginner Coaching Courses, Intermediate Coaching Courses). Locate the relevant category and click View Courses

5. Find the course you wish to attend and click Purchase

6. Enter your payment details and click Process Payment. You will be emailed a copy of your receipt.


Step 2: Enrol into the event/session in the Training Event Calendar 

7. You now need to book into a training session/event. To do this, head over to the to the Training Event calendar. You can access this by clicking the Calendar icon on the left-hand menu bar.

8. In the Course search bar, type the name of the course you wish to attend (for example 'WAG Intermediate Coach Accreditation - Practical). 

9. You will then see a list of all scheduled sessions for that month. Click the arrow > to see the courses in the following month. 

10. Once you find the session you wish to attend, click Enrol. If a pop up appears, select Enrol again. You are now enrolled in this session. 

11. To check which events you are enrolled into, click the My Enrolled Events toggle.

12. If you are unable to attend a course, you can un-enrol yourself from a session and re-enrol into a future course date. This can be done by selecting Un-enrol on the event session.


Please note that if you choose to un-enrol yourself from an event, you may incur a late cancelation fee from your State or Territory Association. Always contact your State/Territory Association before unenrolling from an event. 

For questions about practical courses, please contact your State/Territory Association.

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