Please use these instructions to update your account details.
Once you are logged in into ‘Member Portal’ you will be able to modify your account. A unique will be generated once your account is created.
Please fill in your details and submit it.
  • My details [Verify and fill in the details]
  • Contact details
  • Demographic information
  • Legal/Compliance details
  • Click on ‘Submit ‘after filling in all details.
NOTE: Please be informed if you are less than 12 Years of age, make sure you update the Emergency contact details under Contact field.
High level process flow
Basic Navigation

1. Navigate to Member Portal

2. You will be taken to a sign in page

  • Enter Email Address
  • Enter Password
  • Click Sign In
  • Once you have signed in, Member Portal and Agree to the Terms and Conditions.

3. Click My Account

4. Under My Account, fill in My Details such as

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
  • State Association

5. Fill in Contact Details such as

  • Email 
  • Alternative Email
  • Mobile phone
  • Alternative Phone
  • Home Address
    • Line 1
    • Line 2
    • City
    • State Or Province
    • Postal Code
    • Country
  • Mailing Address

NOTE: If your ‘Mailing Address’ is same as your ‘Home Address’ then copy the same details under it.
In case ‘Mailing Address’ is different then fill in the details accordingly.


6. Under ‘Demographic information
  • Disability Type (S) *Select the appropriate option
  • Special Olympic Member? *If yes, then fill in the Special Olympic Member Number
  • Of Aboriginal descent? *Select the appropriate option
  • Of Torres Strait Islander descent. *Select the appropriate option
  • Country of birth outside of Australia? select the appropriate option
  • Language spoken at home, select the appropriate option

7. Under Legal/Compliance section, update details such as

  • Fill in ‘Legal/Compliance’
  • Add WWCC details.

8. Under I am interested in, select the program you desired to participate and click Submit.

Your date will be updated with the given information.

Need help accessing your account? Please contact us