Please use these instructions to register a Coach and Judge in Member Portal
High level process flow
Basic Navigation
 1. Navigate to Member PortalYou will be taken to a sign in page
  • Enter Email Address
  • Enter Password
  • Click Sign In
  • Once you have signed in, Member Portal and Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
2. Click Register Coach/Judge under My Club
3. Click on Register a Coach/Judge

3. Under Register Coach or Judge enter
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Member ID

After filling in all details, click Search

  • All the mentioned details are mandatory field, failed to update correct details will lead to incorrect information
  • We can't register that user as a coach/judge because they are not holding a technical membership.

3. Under Register Coach or Judge a new option will appear if the Member hold Technical Membership
  • Select the option under Connection Type
  • Click Add
4. Use the Search bar, enter the first name and click on Review Roles to verify the details
Notice, Club Coach/Judge role is reflecting now
Need help accessing your account? Please contact us