Welcome to Gymnastics Australia
This support site article has been developed to help further understand updating points and its important to membership renewal.
The article contains information that will assist in understanding how to gain updating points, how many updating points you require to renew your membership and what to do when you are missing updating points.
It is essential that GA technical members maintain their competency through practice - this is commonly known as professional learning or professional development.
GA updating requirements offers flexibility in the type of activity undertaken, whilst ensuring that the activity is relevant to the member’s accreditation/s. This approach is adopted with the objectives of:
- Maintaining the currency of the member’s skills and knowledge
- Developing the abilities and experience of members over time through regular participation in activities that provide consolidation and extension
- Maximising the retention of competent members
- Developing and retaining records of all training and updating activities participated in by members
- Upholding the respect for the coaching profession.
The Updating Policy describes how GA Technical Members maintain and progress their competencies in order to maintain their Technical Membership. This policy can be found at our By-Laws, Policies and Technical Regulations webpage.
Do not leave it until the last minute to achieve updating points.
Accumulate enough points to renew early in your annual membership cycle - any additional training conducted after this is a bonus!
How many updating points do I need?
The number of updating points required to renew a membership is detailed in the Updating Policy.
How to gain updating points?
- Accreditation Courses
- All Coach & Judge Accreditation Courses have associated updating points
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- FLEX - Professional Development and Updating (Online)
- There are a range of free online course with FLEX that have associated updating points
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- FLEX - Document Uploads for Updating Points
- There are a range of Gymnastics Australia approved third party courses that can be completed to gain updating points.
- Courses completed via Play By The Rules, Scope Australia, Sport Integrity Australia, Special Olympics Australia (to name a few) can all attract updating points
- You are required to upload the certificate of completion into FLEX to gain points, click here to learn how to upload a certificate.
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- Professional Development conducted outside of the FLEX system
- If your PD certificate of completion has been conducted by a third party and is not listed in our FLEX - Document Uploads for Updating Points category, please forward it to your State/Territory Body for review and assessment.
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- Club Workshop
- Technical Members can gain updating points by attending club-delivered workshops
- Important Please ensure that the club has had the workshop sanctioned by the State/Territory Body prior to it being delivered. The club will then be responsible for submitting a participants list to the State / Territory Body to have points applied
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- State/Territory Body Workshops
- Technical Members can gain updating points by attending State/Territory delivered workshops
- Important Enquiries regarding missing points from workshops conducted by State/Territory Bodies are to be forwarded to your State/Territory Body
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- Events
- Technical Members can gain updating points when attending events in the capacity of a coach, judge or event support.
- Important Events must be sanctioned by GA or State/Territory Bodies prior to the event commencing.
- GA hosted events - Gymnastics Australia is responsible for applying updating points.
- State/Territory hosted events - State and Territory Bodies are responsible for applying updating points
- Missing updating points enquiries associated with State and Territory events are to be submitted to the relevant STA body.
- Club Level hosted events
- Initial enquires regarding missing points from Club Level events must be submitted to the club in the first instance.
- Please ensure your details were provided to your State Body from the host club
- If so, then please reach out to your State / Territory Body
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