To cancel a pending transfer request, the requesting club can cancel the request by:
- Accessing the Member Portal
- Ensuring that you are in the Club record via the top right hand corner links in order to see the My Club(s) link in the top menu. Please note that you must be a Club Administrator for the Club to see this link.
- Clicking on My Club(s) in the top menu to display a dropdown menu.
- Selecting Transfer Lists from the dropdown menu
- Use the search on the page to find the transfer
- Click on the Cancel transfer link. Please note that approved or denied transfers cannot be cancelled as they have already been processed.
- A pop up will appear. Select the Yes button to cancel the transfer.
- Once the transfer has been cancelled:
- Requesting and the Requested Clubs will both receive an email to advise of the transfer
- There will no longer be an approve or deny link for this transfer on the Member Portal> My Club(s) > Transfer List page.
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