
Ready to start teaching somersaults? Follow the step-by-step guide below to gain your Advanced Tumbling and Spring (Module 1) Accreditation. 

Please note - this is relevant for ACR, GfA, MAG, TUM and WAG coaches only.


To gain the Advanced Tumbling and Spring (Module 1) Accreditation, you will need to complete the following courses: 

1. One of the following online courses

GA - Online Participation Module 


GA - Advanced Coaching Principles Course - Theory 1 (all gymsports) 

2. GA - 2.2 Spotting Log Book – Advanced Tumbling and Spring Module 1 

3. GA - Advanced Tumbling and Spring Module - Practical 1



Choosing the relevant online course

We offer two online courses at the advanced level so that coaches can choose the course that is relevant to their coaching journey. 

When choosing an online course, we encourage coaches to consider the following information: 

•    The ‘GA - Online Participation Module’ is a short course (approx. 2 hours) and is tailored towards GFA coaches. We recommend this course if the coach is primarily involved in the GfA space, and is unlikely to complete an Advanced ACR, MAG, TUM or WAG Coaching Accreditation in the future

•    By comparison, the ‘GA - Advanced Coaching Principles Course - Theory 1 (all gymsports)’ is a longer course (approx. 8 hours) and is designed for coaches who are aspiring to get an Advanced Coaching Accreditation in the future. This course is part of the Advanced Coach pathway, so the coach would not need to complete this course again if they went on to get their Advanced ACR, MAG, TUM or WAG Coaching Accreditation. 


Any questions? Get in touch 

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