Clubs need to ensure participants are registered with the correct athlete coding for billing and competition registration purposes. If there is an error with a participant's gymsport or level, this information can be updated in the member portal:
1. When you login to the Member Portal, click Add or Transfer Participants under My Clubs.
2. Once you have located the athlete's profile, click Edit Program(s) and you will be able to remove a gymsport program by clicking ‘remove row’
Clubs are also able to add a gymsport by selecting the applicable gymsport(s) from the dropdown menu:
If a participant’s gymsport level needs to be updated, this can be done by clicking the dropdown menu in the level column and selecting the new level in line with the Athlete Coding Guide.
3. Scroll down on the page, select Submit.
3. Scroll down on the page, select Submit.
4. Once the new details have been submitted, the record will update accordingly.
Need help accessing your account? Please contact us