With the launch of Gymnastics Australia’s new portal, the club importer has been released and there are updated requirements for ensuring your club’s import is successful.
Please see below to ensure your club’s import is able to be processed.
Guardian/Emergency contact information
One of the biggest changes in the importer is clubs are now required to provide a guardian/emergency contact first name, last name and email address. Clubs have agreed to providing this information for National Integrity Framework compliance and child safety reasons.
Please ensure only the contact first name is entered into the applicable name column and the contact email address is entered into the email column. Please ensure the participant’s name is not entered into these fields as the guardian/emergency contact name cannot be the same as the participant’s name.
Please do not enter a phone number or invalid email address into the contact email column as the system won’t recognise it.
DOB field formatting (DD/MM/YYYY)
To correctly format the date of birth, please follow these instructions
- Highlight the whole of column D by clicking on the top, right click then select format cells
- When the popout opens, go to date then scroll to the eighth option in the Type field, click ok.
Gender field now has a dropdown menu
Previously, the gender was denoted by a single letter. In the new import template, the gender needs to be denoted in full based on the options available in the dropdown menu under the gender column:
Please select the applicable option from the dropdown.
Mobile phone number is a mandatory field
In the previous importer, the home phone field was mandatory and the mobile phone field was optional. This has been changed around, the mobile phone field is now mandatory and the phone field is optional.
Please ensure a valid phone number is entered into the mobile phone column (this can be denoted either with or without spaces).
State now denoted in full
The state field now needs to be denoted in full (Western Australia, South Australia etc) instead of by abbreviation. These options have been included in the dropdown menu in the import template.
Please do not modify or alter this column as the importer is unable to accept abbreviated forms of a State or Territory.
Gymsport/program dropdown
Important: The import file contains all gymsport programs offered by Gymnastics Australia and is used by the importer as a reference. If your club does not offer specific gymsports, please do not delete the columns as this will cause an error with the import.
When entering the gymsport/level for your participants, please navigate to the applicable gymsport and choose the level/program from the dropdown in the gymsport column:
For participants in a competitive gymsport, please select the applicable level to the participant:
If you have a participant doing more than one gymsport, please enter the level/program on the same line:
Additional tips for a successful import
- Please do not enter nicknames or names encased in brackets into the first or middle name columns as this creates a duplicate record
- If a participant has an overseas and Anglicised name, please enter the overseas name as this is the original name of the participant
- Ensure you sort the import by surname to check whether there are duplicates in the file. This can be done by clicking the ‘data’ tab then going to filter and clicking the arrow which appears in the last name column:
- If you are generating a report for a class management software provider (e.g. iClass Pro), please denote the gymsport program/level as per the 2025 Athlete Coding Guide. We have been advised by class management providers that their system generates reports for gymsports based on the data entered by clubs.
If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact Club Suppclubsupport@gymnastics.org.au for further assistance.