
Gymnastics Australia and State/Territory Gymnastics Associations have moved to a new Membership system on 3 July 2024.  As this is a new system, there is a new club importer template and process.

The import function has been restored and can now be accessed by logging in to the member portal then going to My Club(s) > Club Importer)

Clubs are able to download either a blank copy of the new template (also available at the bottom of this article), or an import template with the details stored in the CRM for historicl and active participants in a format that is compatible with the club importer. The importer is now the primary way for clubs to renew historical participants.

Another feature of the importer is any transfers which arise from an import will be automatically submitted by the system, removing the need for clubs to manually submit transfer requests.

To allow clubs and their class management system providers time to get ready for the changes with the Club Importer Template, these are report requirements for Gymnastics in Australia Club Importer to be used. These requirements can be passed onto any Club Class Management software in order for them to build reports which allow you to easily import participants into Gymnastics Online system. There are some useful documents at the bottom of this page which can be downloaded including the updated Club Importer Template.

What has changed compared to the previous importer template?
The following has changed in the Club Importer template:

  1. Mobile phone is now a mandatory field. There is an optional phone field for an alternative phone number of any type.
  2. Ability to enter more than one email address per participant.
  3. There is now a column per Gymsport. The Levels are displayed in a dropdown and no longer require an abbreviated code. There have also been updates to levels in Aerobic Gymnastics and Women's Artistic Gymnastics as set out in the 2025 Athlete Coding Guide.
  4. Parent/Guardian fields (Guardian/Emergency Contact First Name, Guardian/Emergency Contact Last Name, Guardian/Emergency Contact Email) have been updated and are now mandatory as all Gymnastics Clubs have agreed to provide this information under the National Integrity Framework. For adults (over 18s), this will the participant’s emergency contact.
  5. The state field has a dropdown menu for clubs to select the applicable state/territory as this needs to be denoted in full instead of being abbreviated.
  6. The gender field has a dropdown menu for clubs to denote a participant's gender in full instead of being abbreviated.

How can I ensure a successful upload?
To you upload your file directly into the club importer please ensure the following to ensure you have a successful upload:

  1. The file is an xlsx format (Microsoft Excel)
  2. The headers have not been altered or hidden
  3. There are no special characters such as commas in any field. This includes removing names in brackets or nicknames denoted with commas.
  4. The birthdates are not in the future and are valid dates in DD/MM/YYYY format. If birthdates are in US format MM/DD/YYYY please see this article on converting birthdates to AUS format.
  5. You have completed all mandatory information
  6. Every participant has at least one program registered and you are using the correct format for the levels (see the 2025 Athlete Coding Guide for more information).
  7. We recommend adding a space to all phone numbers to ensure that that the zeros at the front of the numbers do not drop off in excel.  More info.
  8. There is no hidden or additional data in the rows below and to the right of the table with the data.  Here is how you can resolve.
How can my Club get ready for the new Club Importer Template?
Gymnastics Australia recommends that all Gymnastics Clubs in Australia action the following to get ready for the new Club Importer template and process:
  1. Contact your Club’s Class Management System Provider which manages participant registrations to request an updated report which matches the new report requirements listed in this document.
  2. Review your parent/guardian/emergency contacts for participants at your Club to ensure completeness of this information.
  3. Review phone numbers collected at your Club as Mobile phones will now be a mandatory field.
How can my Club or their Class Management System Provider get help with these changes?
Please contact us for any assistance with the 2025 Club Importer Template changes.


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