
As per the insurance statutory declarationClub Administration Policy and Club Affiliation standards, Clubs must register all athletes (participants) within 30 days of their commencement of a program or activity in a club for each calendar year.

Affiliated clubs are responsible for ensuring that the below minimum information is accurately collected from participants at their Club and provided in the national membership database to ensure that the individual is eligible to access any membership benefits provided such as personal accident insurance.  True and accurate contact information must be entered into the membership database as per the Insurance Statutory Declaration. Failure to do so, potentially leaves members uninsured when training or competing.

Minimum Mandatory InformationConsequence for not providing this informationNotes
Full Name
(First Name, Last Name)
Participant unable to be registered.Please do not use nicknames as this creates issues with duplicates and transfers.
Email Participant will miss out on key communication and access to apps.For participants under 18 years, please use a parent/guardian’s email address.
BirthdateParticipant unable to be registered.Must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.
GenderParticipant unable to be registered in events.Can be Male, Female, Non-Binary or Other
Home PhoneParticipant unable to be registered.For participants under 18 years, please use a parent/guardian’s phone number.
Can either be a mobile or landline number.
Must be 10 digits eg. 0411222333 or 0386989718.
Full Address
(Street, Suburb, State, Postcode)
Participant unable to be registered.For participants under 18 years, please use a parent/guardian’s address.
Participant unable to be registered in events.
Participated unable to be registered.
All participants must have at least one Gymsport and Level on their profile at all times. Clubs must ensure Athlete Codes registered on a Participant’s profile are what the athlete is current doing.  More information on Athlete Codes (Gymsport and Levels) can be found on the Athlete Coding Guide.


Please refer to the flow chart below which shows the current processes to register or renew athletes.  This process map can also be downloaded by opening the attachment at the bottom of the page.

athlete registration flowchart


Here are links to topics related to the above process:


Need more help?  Please lodge a support request.

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